Friday, January 27, 2012

The 2012 U.S. Presidential Campaign: What I Want

I have some things I want to say about the candidates and the upcoming election:

1.  I want someone who doesn't want to be president to be president. You have to ask yourself: what kind of person really would want to be president? You have to be a fucking idiot to want to be president. You get old and grey really fast, few really like or trust you, and you actually have little power to fix much of anything. I want a Jewish banker or an Organizational Psychologist or maybe even a Social Worker. Those folks know what the score is.

2.  I want a ceiling placed on campaign expenditures. After the Supreme Court decided that corporations are people, money has poured in as predicted. So what would happen if we set a limit, of say 10 million dollars? No TV ads, no constant mailers, no robocalls, no bullshit. Well, there would be lots more emails.

3.  I want each and every candidate to take the MMPI with professional interpretation and an FBI background check. I want all the neighbors who these candidates have ever had to be interviewed and those interviews put on YouTube. Guess what? Obama would come out way ahead.

4.  I want Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman back in the race. I miss those batshit crazy gals. I really am entertained by folks who don't have a clue how narcissitic, stupid and intollerant they actually are.

5.  I want to see whether these candidates know how to do laundry and go shopping using coupons. If they get confused at any time during these activities, they're out!

6.  I want to see film of Newt Gingrich talking to his various wives, in their homes. Think about this: he is using daughters from his first marriage to serve as witnesses against his second wife who he says is lying about his third one, who he cheated on his second wife with, who he went to see in the hospital to serve divorce papers on. I think we'd all breathe easier knowing that he is as we all suspect: completely narcisssistic and controlling; that he really is a person of low character and a complete faker when he pretends to give a shit about you and me.

7.  I want our president to come clean: he (or if we are lucky, she) doesn't control the economy. We are globally intertwined such that this is not posssible. The congress is so unable to reach consesnsus that this is now impossible. Doesn't the congress have incredible authority to make fundamental changes in economic policy? They blame the president while they sit on their fat, rich asses and do nothing. Ask yourself this: what policies has anyone in congress come up with that in any way fundamentally improves our economy in the last ten years? Can't even tell you. Why would they change anything so lucrative to them?

8.  I want to end to offshore money hiding/laundering/banking by anyone, anywhere. No more Swiss bank accounts or Cayman Island bank accounts that simnply deprive us of useful and appropriate funds to do our country's business. No more corporations hiding in foreign countries to pay slave wages and hide under lenient tax codes. Folks who hide money are not patriotic Americans who give a damn about anything but themselves. They certainly aren't creating any jobs.

9.  I want an end to congressional insider trading. That's just so incredibly wrong, at every level.

10. I want every president to get sex on demand. I'm serious. The world becomes instantaeously both clearer and rosier at those moments, doesn't it?

That should just about do it.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

My New New Year's Resolutions

1.  I vow to love my family more than they thought I could, maybe even more than I thought I could.

2.  I wish I was half the man I am, so I vow to lose weight this year. I don't know how to do it yet, but I will do it somehow. Perhaps fewer tubs of popcorn will do the trick. That will, however, create misery on movie nights.

3.  I will make great strides writing my book on Diabetes. I simply must. I don't know if any publisher will want it, but if they don't maybe I can publish it myself. A double-edged, if not triple-edged blade.

4.  I promise to continue my withering satirical, sarcastic, pessimistic view of the wold, especially of the people in it. That way I won't be disappointed in any outcome.

5.  I vow to do everything in my power to not have Christmas or Thanksgiving at our house in the next few years (but I have no say in this, actually.) We have 10-14 of my wife's family over.  If this were my entire family collected in one place, under these circumstances, I would kill myself.

6.  I want to improve my audio-visuals for my classes. More in-class exercises, and out-of-class real world assignments too.

7.  I bought new shoes, new socks, and new underwear. I love new underwear. I vow to wear these. The crimson briefs will be reserved for OU game day use only.

8.  No one in my immediate sphere of influence will be deprived of my lack of humility this year.

9.  I promise to get rid of crap I no longer use, wear, or in the case of the kitchen cupboards, eat.

10. I vow to never create a list of New Year's Resolutions again, ever.