Friday, April 29, 2011

Think We Have a Great Medical System?

First, I have a disclaimer to make: I have worked in three large hospitals as a direct provider of services. I know what I am talking about but I am also disgusted with the condition of the system. So take what I say with a grain of sea salt.

I have great insurance, but almost 1/3 of my take home pay goes to co pays for medicines.

I am a reasonable person and I do not expect perfection. We all screw up from time to time. But I need to add that I can spot bullshit from three miles away, and that I won't stand for, not for a second.

Here are a few specific observations:

1.  Computers were supposed to make medical records paperless systems. It hasn't happened. There are now usually duplicate records, and that's because systems aren't seamless and because computer data storage and retrieval is rampantly unreliable. In essence, computer record keeping has reduced efficiency.

2.  Medical facilities and doctors are like the rest of us: we live in a capitalistic social structure. Profit will always trump care. Make no mistake about that.

3.  Because profit is the goal, doctors and facilities will always spend less time than would be prudent with a patient. Why do 50% of patients not follow doctors recommendations such as taking a medication as directed? They don't trust the doctor. Trust can only be accomplished via ongoing, deeper than average conversation and connection - the very thing our system prevents.

4.  I know they have a tough job, and I know they spent a long time and a lot of money getting their education. But there's something I wish doctors, including dentists, podiatrists, and others should keep in mind: not all your patients are vapid ungulates. We pay big money through the insurance we sweat to afford, combined with all the co pays. Some of us are well educated, and some of us are well informed. We are not sheep and expect to not be treated that way. Our time is precious, like yours. Don't talk to me like I was three, be on time, and listen to what I have to say! I am your partner in my health care. I pay you; you work for me!

5. Drug companies are no more moral than Wall Street investment firms. Need I say more?

6.  Don't like the idea of socialized medicine? Well then, get ready for unaffordable minimal insurance. And while you're at it, since you hate all forms of "socialism," get rid of Medicare and Medicaid, the post office, and oh yeah, Social Security. In all other developed countries of the world, socialized medicine is the norm. But under these systems, you can buy additional insurance if you want to. Did you know that?

7.  We are way down the list in the quality of health care systems.

Let's get real. Even Obama's plan falls way short. Let's get our heads out of our asses, and stop believing, stop buying into the fear mongering that the insurance and drug companies pay our officials to spin onto us, like spiders going in for the kill.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Things I Know

Even though in my more self-delusional moments I pretend to know everything, I actually know very little. But I have been thinking about a few things...

Is the best boss you ever had a "peerless leader?"

Should lesbian erotica be called "Cliterature?" (although I independently originated this word, it has apparently already been used by others)

When you worry about your ear wax is that called "Cerumenation?"

Coincide: what you do when it starts to rain.

If you didn't remember that you had used Marble for your kitchen countertops, does that mean you might  take it for Granite?

I keep seeing colors that aren't there. Are these pigments of my imagination?

I think that when gas prices get too high, we will all dump our current vehicles for electric ones. That's what I call a "carmageddon."

I have a friend who's eight months pregnant, and she's barely showing because she hasn't gained any weight. I think she might be pregorexic.

The only way to absolutely know whether someone is concealing weapons before boarding a plane is to do a complete body cavity search. If a passenger refuses the body scan procedure, they can then opt for the pat down procedure. But this does not entail examination of their orifices and contents therein. Now wouldn't that be interesting?

If a thief and his friend, also a thief were running a house of prostitution, and it didn't make any money, perhaps the lesson is that too may crooks spoil the brothel.