Saturday, July 30, 2011

Random Thoughts Version 7.0 and Ideas Substantially Unsubstantiated

1.   Ten years ago I postulated that the rise in the incidence of Autism would be found to be linked to environmental pollutants, acting in concert, that had begun to alter the human genome in very subtle but potentially devastating ways. I think I may be right. There is no scientific evidence that Autism is related to vaccines.

There are likely many types of Autism. Autism is a group of disorders that share a collection of symptoms. Schizophrenia is like this. We don't know what causes it, but suspect from a variety of studies that it is genetically driven and environmentally moderated. There are several types of Schizophrenia. Because we don't yet know what causes it, we can't really tease out the separate diseases that we call Schizophrenia. Autism is in this way very similar.

I suspect that Autism of any type can be caused by many different things, but one thing I surely believe: we will eventually discover that we have potentiated its incidence through our own ignorance regarding our role in environmental pollution. And of course we are likely to find that many other diseases are made worse by foreign trace elements and compounds and may discover that new diseases are the result of these things.

We don't even investigate the dangers of most of the things we pump into the ecosystem, what all ends up in our bodies. We don't have the will or financial ability to do so. Further, we have no idea how to investigate how multiple pollutants react with one another and then within human and other animal systems.

If you looked at an analysis of your own blood and fat and saw what resides there, you would be outraged. Will a rate of 50 out of 100 male children born with Autism (it's currently approaching 10%) be required for us to get off our fat asses?

2.    I can no longer idly sit by and allow anyone to say, "I seen it," (or similar grammar malformation) without correcting them. Since when has this atrocity been acceptable expression?

3.    I like to listen to Perry Como. So sue me.

4.    I bought a commercial popcorn machine and assorted official accoutrement. It isn't here yet, but I am already salivating.

5.    I was a boyscout, literally. I stayed a Tenderfoot, the opening rank. I couldn't seem to get to 2nd Class because we were required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance without error. I kept screwing it up. This metaphorical foreshadowing might have provided me with untold insights and accurate predictions about the course of my life, if I had been wise then.

6.    The incidence of passive-aggressive behavior is rising, and it's easy to understand how. Technology separates us in substantial ways. We need face-to-face time to learn effective strategies, and practice these, for the expression of emotions, especially difficult ones like anger. When you don't know how to express anger appropriately, it goes underground burrowing towards either full frontal or sideways versions.

7.   I hate when people say they are one thing but then clearly demonstrate they aren't that way at all.

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