Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Old Communication Pet Peeve List

It's the new year and I have a new list of all things expressive that irritate me:

1.   The misuse of "saw" and "seen." It is correct to say, "I saw her," not "I seen her." To those who are making the error: employers hate it too, and consider it a sign of poor communication skills. They'll never move you up.

2.   There is no such word as "conversate." Nuff said.

3.   The word "to" and the word "too" are two different words. Learn the difference.

4.   Stop saying "like." It's old and it's worn out. It tells the listener that your vocabulary is small or that your brain isn't firing on all cylinders.

5.   Texting when I'm trying to talk to you. Isn't that code for, "you really aren't saying anything to me that I want to pay attention to?"

6.   Incomplete sentences. Very disconcerting. Similar to these.

7.   "Do" versus "done." Wrong: I done that. We done that. Right: I did that. We did that.  Could this be any more straightforward?

8.   In short: I seen enough of this like bad grammar and all because I was with a friend and she was like  texting and so she was to busy too listen and all. Some serious lack of conversating. I done it right, though!

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