Saturday, August 18, 2012

Men, Gadgets, and Surfing

The biological heritage of men is that we are, and always will be, hunters. Once upon a time we served our species best when we used our superior physical speed and strength to hunt food, protect our family or clan, and exhibited these skills to make us more attractive to potential mates, which we also hunted. Now? We surf TV channels and the web with our spears.

The remote control is at its core the metaphorical spear, and surfing is being on a big hunt. We are constantly scanning the landscape, the digital horizon, for any tasty game worth killing or any female worth mating with. We pause on channels that depict these two most favorite things: fertile females and heroic violence.

Don't take away our weapons! We want to show you how protective and skillful we are at these so we want to be in charge of the spear. Gadgets are all basically stone tools and weapons that harken to a time when those meant life or death. We are that shaped by our collective unconscious. As the world shrinks in the face of population explosion and dwindling resources, this heritage will become increasingly influential.  The inhibitions that society places on our behavior will be less influential.

Why do we love sports? For the same reasons: we are visually and mentally imagining the competitions to see who will have the most food and who will mate with the fertile females.

So don't take away or devalue the few remaining symbols of what you wanted us for in the first place!

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