Monday, June 11, 2012

When Cancer Becomes Typically Curable, Socialized Medicine Will Begin

We've all seen the strides being made lately in treating various forms of cancer: new procedures, gene therapies, and high cure rates in experimental trials. It is my estimation that when we are able to reliably target and destroy cancers such that cures are often achievable, there will be a cry so loud that the demands will soon outweigh treatment supply. What do you expect insurance companies to do? That's right, they will charge us through the nose or not cover those treatments, so that once again only the wealthy will be cancer-free. But here's what will happen soon after: because no one will long permit those who could be cured to die, the public, socialized option for medicine will be demanded by all. No more Tea Baggers, liberals, Green Party, or conservatives. Those delineations will disappear like yesterday's news.

In a related only tangentially item: did you know that insurance plans almost always only cover a once per lifetime artificial limb reimbursement? That is, if they cover it at all. So let's see now, if it's a child who needs one, he or she will need a new one (in a different size) almost every year until the age of 18 or so. How does that make any sense? It's the almighty dollar again, my friend. The expendable portion is the dignity, productivity and mobility of the person so that the insurance company can make money and pay its executives vast sums and share holders somewhat less. I bet they even sleep well at night.

How can you (we) sit here and demand less than good conscience dictates?

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