Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Is There Any End in Sight...

1.  To the hatred and ignorance of religious fanatics? I was browsing a website recently and happened upon a thread that claimed with certainty, among other things, that:  Jesus hated gay people, gay people were going to hell, and science was all "opinion." First of all, let's get specific: are we referring to the central figure in the bible or are we referring to the many thousands of folks named "Jesus?" Just askin'. When we say "gay" are we talking about all happy people, or are we speaking about happy homosexuals, or are we limiting our comments to those who romantically respond to their own gender? What is this obsession with demonizing the sex lives of homosexuals? Could it be reaction formation? I think Jesus did love gay people, and I'll bet he would have a few really close friends who happened to be gay if he was around today.

2.  To the tolerance of foul language and suggestive if not obscene dress? I'm no prude, not by a long shot, but it's now common to refer to female friends as "whores," and "bitches," use F-bombs in any and all settings, and show as much skin as won't get you arrested. I don't want the pendulum to return to covering ourselves to the point of anonymity. If we ever got to the point where even pets had to be covered, would dogs be required to wear "barkas?"

3.  To the fascination with the superficial? I guess by this I mean to include the Kardashians, texting, and worrying whether we have just the right pair of shoes. I know what it is: it's about permissive parenting in a wealthy culture. No limits, no consequences, no responsibilities, no effort, no waiting. Wow, sounds like capitalism is working!

4.  To the decline in the quality of music? I'm talking about fidelity. Music heard now is mostly compressed and lacks density, timbre and depth; it is of a significantly lower quality than ever before. In the next ten years it has been predicted that even CDs won't be produced. MP3 downloads, the worst quality available, will prevail. That's about convenience, of course. Sad. When I was sixteen nothing was more tantalizing, nothing more seductive than obtaining a really good stereo system. Over a summer I washed dishes at Woolworth's; $366 bought me an entry level Rotel amp with Frazier speakers and a Garrrard turntable with a Shure cartridge. I loved the smell of vinyl in the morning!

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