Tuesday, September 21, 2010

For God's sake (and ours), please wake up!

I am not interested in how you feel. But I am intersted in how you think.  There was a time, not too long ago, when we were sure that the world was flat, that demons possessed people, that if you ejaculated the day before the big game you wouldn't be aggressive enough. Actually, there are some out there who still believe these things. Is it me, or are we losing our critical thinking skills?

The quality of our thinking predicts our ability to solve problems and make rational choices. The lack of critical thinking predicts impulsivity, emotion-based choice-making, and learning by trial and error. Science has allowed us to move beyond trial and error learning to predicting, with ever-increasing acuracy, the consequences of our behavior. So, what do you thnk will happen if the Republicans get back in control?

Forget what anyone has told you about who is for what and why. Forget the commercials, the rants, the speeches by both parties. Ask yourself only one question, and then think through it: was I (and was the country) better off during Democratic or Republican administrations and congresses?

Think through it. Don't listen to your emotions, because emotions are not truth. In fact, emotions lie to us all the time. Emotions are respondent to our thoughts, not the other way around.

Here's another question: do you want to line the pockets of the rich, including big business and Wall Street, or do you want to reign in the excess and provide for the everday person like you and me?

Think through it. What evidence do you NEED to conclude an answer?

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