Tuesday, October 26, 2010


For God's sake, and yours, how can you vote in a Republican majority? They got us into our present financial mess by spending like freaks and deregulating Wall Street, lining their own pockets with corporate and special interest money.

And you want to vote them back in? Are you insane?

What do you think they'll do once in power? They have NO plans that differ from their old administration, so really, what do you think they'll do?

They all say the same thing: cut taxes and create jobs. So? What do you think Obama has been trying to do? He isn't gonna allow those making over $250,000 to pay disproportionately lower taxes: that's one of the things that sunk us! He IS lowering taxes on middle and lower economic groups.

He will not deregulate, but has already strengthened the boundaries for Wall Street.

Heard any Republicans talking about this? NO! They don't want to do this, because it cuts off their cash flow. Heard any Republicans talking about how Obama has been taking real steps to end the wars? NO, because they weren't able to do it.

Now, I don't have a love fest going on for democrats. I think they've dropped the ball we gave them, but as I see things...

I don't want the chickens, like you and me, to be guarded by the wolves, thank you very much.

But, if you believe that Obama is a Muslim, or isn't an American, or wants to take your guns, or any of the other conspiracy theories, you have already stopped reading this blog. Rational isn't in your vocabulary. For the rest of you, please:


Let's give the current administration a few more years to bail the water out of the hull.

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